Replanting Kit for Earthbox & Container Gardens
There's no need to spend a fortune on expensive replanting kits for your container gardens! This pre-measured replant kit includes all of the nutrition and supplements you need to make your container garden thrive. Includes 1 pound of Dolomite Lime to stabilize the pH level of your container garden soil, and 1 pound of an Natural Based All Purpose 10-10-10 Slow Release fertilizer.
This powerful all-purpose fertilizer blends high grade natural ingredients like poultry waste and alfalfa meal, with low-sodium mineral plant foods to give your garden a quick boost and provide long-lasting, time-release nutrition. This fertilizer is a power bar for your plants! Use it wherever you want lush flowers and delicious vegetables. Also includes instructions for container gardens like the Earthbox, Tomato Barrel, Vegetable Farm and more. Use this replant kit for up to 2 cubic feet (15 gallons) of container garden soil.
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